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Recently, the "high tungsten repeatedly", the overall rebound
Author: Public Time:2015-12-11 Click:1279

Recently, the "high tungsten repeatedly", the overall rebound.

Recently, the "high tungsten repeatedly", the overall rebound. Business agency price monitoring shows that as of December 2, wolframite concentrate factory price 55500 yuan / tons, a record low prices rebound 8.82%; ammonium paratungstate (APT-0) ex factory price is about 86500 yuan / tons, a record low prices rebound 10.66%; ferro 70# ex factory price of about $107750 / tons, a historical low price rebound 2.38%. Overall, tungsten market rally has been highlighted, the market confidence.

Business community Steel Branch ho Hang Sheng believes that the current tungsten price bounce high, mainly by previously the Ministry of land and resources of rare metals Shouchu expectations and requirements specification of tungsten ore prospecting right, mining right of the positive impact of the policy, causing Tungsten Mines Limited production, production. Ultimately, the spot market of tungsten products resources reduce, pushed up the price. However, linear black tungsten concentrate prices rebound, just to promote the downstream smelting plant ammonium paratungstate prices rise, prices for downstream tungsten iron alloy but boost is limited. This is mainly for the smelting of ammonium paratungstate intermediate products, the price of the raw material market is sensitive, the market rebounded and tungsten concentrates are basically the same. And for ferrotungsten products. The terminal market of special steel by the steel market downturn, margin contraction, procurement prices, resulting in ferrotungsten factory orders is still deserted, the price is difficult to effective recovery.

And from the technical analysis, the tungsten concentrate and ammonium paratungstate and ferrotungsten the long-term correlation coefficient respectively 0.980 and 0.947, 100, the correlation coefficient is were maintained in more than 0.96, indicating that basically keep synchronous price relationship. But the business community price index from the point of view, as of December 2, and tungsten concentrate with ammonium paratungstate commodity price index for 11.9, tungsten concentrate and ferrotungsten commodity price index was 75.93. Thus, the tungsten concentrate prices rebound, greatly boosted the ammonium paratungstate market, and for gains limited.

On the other hand, before the rally, the decline in tungsten prices larger, tungsten concentrate prices fell 18.40%, fell 21.36% ammonium paratungstate (APT-0), ferrotungsten fell 12.84%, so the oversold bounce, for before the decline, is still a drop in the bucket, market prices still below the break even line, the enterprise survival remains difficult.

According to the reporter, at present Jiangxi enterprise apt offer 95000 yuan / ton price, there are also companies offer 85000 yuan / ton price, so the market price is more chaotic, mainly to discuss the transaction.

Ho Hang Sheng said that the tungsten market currently has indeed in the rebound phase of the market, the enterprises are also happy to see the market rebound, but subject to terminal demand downturn and the production cost of the enterprise level, enterprise for the market clinch a deal the price more cautious, buyers to keep the prices down purchase phenomenon also increased, the market turnover more than a single debate, it is expected that the December tungsten prices continue to maintain the rising trend, but there is a price city phenomenon gradually spread and generally. Shortly after the tungsten prices rise space will shrink and concentrate peak or in 60000 yuan / ton, APT-0 in 92000 yuan / ton, ferrotungsten in 110000 yuan / ton.

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