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W: the market is expected to rebound
Author: Public Time:2015-08-31 Click:1448

In recent days, tungsten products first pay fell slightly, then tungsten concentrate with high price began rebounded, waste tungsten resources of such as tungsten steel scrap, scrap supply carbide slightly tight and near September "gold nine", some manufacturers to resume production, a slight increase in demand, waste tungsten price slightly rebounded, but apt, powder, tungsten products or low clinchs a deal more, tungsten concentrate prices now more difficult to buy, manufacturers began to slightly rised, waiting for the September afternoon, after all, had the season of July and August, foreign holidays end, domestic successive resumption of production, demand will slightly increase is also normal.

The initial China new fiscal August manufacturing PMI 47.1, created in March 2009 to the lowest, lower than the expected 48.2 and the previous value of 47.8. For the sixth consecutive month below the critical value of the ups and downs of 50, show that in the third quarter, Chinese manufacturing operation to slow further. Among them, the output index fell to 46.6, down 0.5 percentage points compared with July output index. The new orders index, a index of new export orders index, the employment index also decreased. From the sub indicators, internal and external demand is still weak, input prices and prices still in the contraction range, downward pressure is still large manufacturing sector.

Now first in tungsten products field, last week (August 17, 8 / 21) of tungsten products continue to decline slightly, then tungsten concentrate high prices have begun to rise, waste tungsten resources such as tungsten steel scrap, scrap hard alloy supply slightly tight and close to 9 months of "gold nine", part of the plant to resume production, demand increased slightly, waste tungsten prices rebounded slightly, but apt, powder of tungsten products or low turnover compared, tungsten concentrate at a low price to buy, manufacturers began to slightly rised, waiting for the September afternoon, after all, 7, 8 month off-season, foreign holidays end, domestic also gradually resume production, demand will be a slight increase is normal.

Last week of tungsten concentrate at the beginning of a few days is still prices fell slightly, near the end of the week, the high priced offer began rebounded slightly, it is now 65 degrees of wolframite concentrate price has more than this month, the price of guidance of 7 million yuan / ton, began to 7 million yuan, 7.1 million yuan this price, although the actual turnover is still relatively bleak, but has shown mines and trader does not want to sell cheap, hoping for "gold nine" needs to get better, tungsten market recovery hopes to increase, so low price turnover decreased gradually.

But unfortunately still not Shouchu the news came, perhaps is still worried about a crash during tungsten products dumping. Therefore, the delay did not move, or simply to maintain attention, the recent market speculation that the dimensional stability of the possibility of a larger.

August 21, the price of 65 degrees of wolframite concentrate to 6.6 million yuan / ton -- 70000 yuan / ton, the ring last week decreased 0.05 yuan / ton; 65 degrees white tungsten concentrate prices 6.4 million yuan / ton -- 6.6 million yuan / ton, the ring last week decreased 0.1 million yuan / ton.

Other tungsten products market last week apt, powder, tungsten products prices or decline, no like tungsten concentrate did achieve high offer tentative rebound signs, on the one hand is downstream demand does a slow recovery, not much is the high price of tungsten concentrate transactions, to conduction to the downstream tungsten market still needs a period of days, now the manufacturers also is still hopes to "gold nine" market demand can be picked up.

Last week, the price of the price of) (FeW80 in (FeW70 last week, the price of 21 August, apt to 10.2 million yuan / tons of 10.6 million yuan / ton, the chain fell by 0.1 yuan / ton; ferrotungsten 12.7 million yuan / substrate tons, 13 million yuan / base tons, ferro tungsten price 13.7 million yuan / substrate tons, 14 million yuan / substrate tons, the chain last week, a decrease of 0.1 million yuan / substrate tons; sodium tungstate was 9.3 million yuan / tons, 9.6 million yuan / ton, the chain last week remained unchanged; tungsten powder is 172 yuan / kg, 175 yuan / kg, the chain last week to maintain the invariant; tungsten carbide powder price is 170 - 173 yuan / kg, the chain fell by 1 yuan / kg.

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