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Semiconductor materials a new hope single-layer study of a major breakthrough
Author: Public Time:2015-06-06 Click:1720

The semiconductor material is expected to break the bottleneck! Taiwan's Ministry of science and technology recently announced that Taiwan, Japan, Saudi Arab and other team, has developed a single-layer MoS2 p-n junction, is expected to replace the silicon wafer to become the new generation semiconductor core components, widely used in wearable devices and mobile phones.

This is the world's first publication of new generation semiconductor material on the basis of research results, not only will be published in the latest issue of the journal Science, National Chiao Tung University research team revealed. This result is expected to attract Taiwan TSMC more active cooperation research, to as soon as possible to seize the business opportunities in the global market.

In support of the Ministry of science and technology "cutting-edge crystal material development and production plan & budget, a major breakthrough in the bottleneck of semiconductor materials. Taiwan research team plans to host National Chiao Tung University Department of physical electronics, Professor Zhang Wenhao pointed out that Intel and Samsung are actively involved in single component materials research, TSMC also actively and learning community contact cooperation, who can to preempt the development of single component materials, can in the global market occupies a seat.

Zhang Wenhao said single-layer MoS2 is global scientists think quite potential new generation semiconductor materials, the research team developed a single-layer MoS2 and monolayer diselenide tungsten perfect p-n junction, is expected to solve the semiconductor element preparation key problem.

Zhang Wenhao said that the future can be widely applied to the extreme miniaturization of electronic components, especially single-layer MoS2 has very thin transparent characteristics, potential applications in future consumption can soft electronic and wearable electronic components, or a mobile phone application in.

Zhang Wenhao said Taiwanese scientists) past a researcher for the Academia Sinica, Saudi King University of science and technology to recruit a sand country scientists, he formed multinational cooperation team in Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Japan and other large cooperation programmes. Taiwan research team in addition to Zhang Wenhao, and National Chiao Tung University Department of materials science and engineering, Professor Wei Guanghua, Academia Sinica should be, a researcher at the center for Zhu Zhiwei et al.

Taiwan's Ministry of science and technology that MoS2 is following the graphene, much international scientists concerned with layered materials, single-layer MoS2 has good luminous efficiency and excellent electron transfer rate (quick response), and high switching than (transistor is stable), for future new low power logic circuit, is likely to replace the current silicon do main core component of next generation.

International semiconductor manufacturers such as Intel, and Taiwan product electric and Samsung, the minimum element technology about falling in 7 - 10 nm, and the results of this study for MoS2 and other inorganic two-dimensional materials for electronics research and application, there will be help molybdenum disulfide, and other materials used in 2 nanometer semiconductor technology, according to the Ministry of science and technology in Taiwan.

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