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For 3D printing titanium alloy aircraft structure shows good results
Author: Public Time:2016-03-10 Click:1868

  3D printing technology NTi Norway has been used for Ti-6Al-4V structural components.NTi company Airbus production A350XWB aircraft producing samples using the fast plasma deposition (RPD) technique, followed by Airbus's German quality aviation technology company Farrell factory finishing.


  High quality aviation technology company is a tier one supplier of Airbus titanium alloy and carbon fiber composite structure parts. There are four factories in Germany, Romania has a. It all Airbus civil airplanes and A400M transport aircraft and Boeing 737 production metal structure. In A350XWB project, it produces carbon fiber composite body shell and a fuselage section, wing assembly, floor structure, the pressure bulkhead, and main landing gear connecting piece. The company also for the Boeing 787 supply pressure across the frame and titanium alloy components.


  A direct metal deposition technique is RPD process NTi company: in an argon environment, alloy powder according to a pattern CAD deposition, after by the laser transfer for solid materials, finally forming for the final part.RPD to 6 operating shaft material is deposited, deposited and many kinds of materials to the shape of the production of highly complex parts.

NTi company a civilian director, said: we in a few weeks at low cost, high quality aviation technology company 3D CATIA files turn for the airworthiness of the titanium alloy parts, ultimately for Airbus in each plane save 200-300 million.


  NTi in Norway Hector ne fox factory production aerospace grade titanium alloy structure. It had started a at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh technology research invested $1.25 billion to build 20000 square foot facility plan, and run in public - private cooperation mode. The facility will have dozens of increasing material manufacturing system operation, aerospace and defense related parts production.


  Alcoa through acquisition of RTI international company into NTi small investors.RTI devoted to NTi a sum of money, with 3D printing technology to cooperate in the development of NTi. Last fall, Alcoa and NTi agreed to joint industry research, to confirm the material manufacturing opportunities increase, and the formation of the aerospace, defense, energy, automotive and shipbuilding industry products.

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